3 Ways To Pack Well For Your Next Vacation

Raise your hand if you overpack when you travel, yet somehow always feel underdressed? How does that math add up?

If you feel like you are packing too much of the wrong things when you travel, this is for you.

Here are my 3 best tips and how to pack well and look good on your next vacation!

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Tip #1

4 Days or Less Pack Outfits; 5 or More Days Pack Categories

What does this mean? Outfits is pretty self explanatory, but what are categories? Categories in your closet are tops, bottoms, dresses, etc. You can break it down even more; blouses, tanks, tees, shorts, denim, trousers, etc. When you are traveling for more than 5 days you can pack with more efficiency, and pack less, when you pack categories rather than outfits. It might look something like this…

6 day trip; 4 tops, 3 layers, 2 bottoms, 2 shoes

With these pieces you should be able to mix and match everything for different outfits that fit the needs of your travel.

*Exception to the rule. Traveling for a special occasion or event where you need one or more specific outfits. For example, a destination wedding.

Tip #2

Don’t Buy New Clothes For Your Trip That Won’t Work In Your Wardrobe, Buy New Clothes For Your Wardrobe That Will Be Good For Your Trip

This is how you end up with a closet full of clothes, yet feel like you have nothing to wear. If you are panic shopping before a trip, or ‘treating’ yourself to something special and new to wear when abroad, you are most likely shopping for that isolated event and not your wardrobe. Which means, most likely what you are buying isn’t going to be a value add to your closet when you get home. So then it sits in your closet never touched or worn again, and if you are doing this every time your travel… That adds up to quite a few things…

It’s ok to want to buy something new for your trip. But it has to follow the Fashion Fix rule. It has to fit your shape, style, and life. When you shop for pieces that will work in your wardrobe and on your travels, you will find yourself shopping less and less when adventure comes, because you’ll already have a closet full of clothes you love to wear!

Tip #3

Well Dressed Travelers Wear Clothes That Fit Their Shape, Fit Their Style, and Fit Their Life

Have you ever seen that person at the airport and you think, “Wow, they are well dressed!” Or that one person at the resort who always seems to look so put together. When you see people traveling who always seem to be well dressed, it’s because they are wearing clothes that fit them well. I mentioned this above, clothes that fit your shape, style, and life will always look good and fit well.

Putting the effort into building your best wardrobe will ensure that you are dressed your best when you travel, AND when you are home. Being able to open your closet and always find something to wear is going to make packing so easy and give you less stress!

Want To Pack Well, and Be Well Dressed When You Travel?

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