3 Mistakes Women Make When Buying Swimwear

Struggling to find swimwear you feel confident in? Then don’t do these 3 things!

Recently my family and I spent 4 days in the Wisconsin Dell. It was a glorious time! If you have never been to the The Dells in the winter I highly recommend it. We stayed at The Wilderness Resort, and never went outside once. They have three indoor water parks, and everything is connected by skyway.

Obviously , as a stylist, I took note of what women where wearing for swimwear. I like to notice any trends, styles, and whatever else to put in my mental notebook. First of all I want to say how incredibly happy I was to see so many women living their best lives. So many bikinis and two pieces, along with one pieces suits, on women of all shapes and sizes. It was glorious!

In my noticing there were three things that stuck out to me that really made a woman look the most confident in her swimwear.

Buy Something That Fits

The most confident looks where when the swimsuit actually fit. Make sure you have support through the bust, that the torso is long enough, and that it’s not too big or baggy on you. Don’t make the mistake of buying a swimsuit that doesn’t fit.

Buy A Color That Looks Good On You

For me personally , I don’t know if I will ever wear a black swimming suit again. I spent too many years covering and camouflaging my body in black swimming suits. Most of the time you are in swimwear with no make up, natural, and clean faced. Don’t make the mistake of buying a swimsuit in a color that doesn’t compliment your complexion.

Buy A Pattern That Is Your Style

Not everything in relation to swimwear needs to have a tropical print. Outdated and out of style prints can make your swimwear look and feel frumpy. Lean into your personal style and mix up the patterns and prints you wear to match your authentic look. Don’t make the mistake of buying a swimsuit that doesn’t match your style.

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