3 Steps To Building A Sustainable Wardrobe

What is sustainable fashion? What is fast fashion?

You think you might know the answer to these questions, but my definitions might surprise you!

So many times we hear the message that fast fashion is shopping cheap brands that don’t last in your closet. Guess what else doesn’t last in your closet? Clothes that don’t fit comfortably, clothes that feel like a costume to wear, and clothes that don’t work for your lifestyle.

It actually doesn’t matter where you shop or how much you spend on your clothes, if you are constantly taking garbage bags full of clothes to the donation site you have a fast fashion closet, even if everything is from Nordstrom and high quality.

A sustainable wardrobe is a wardrobe that you don’t see as disposable.

So you want to build a sustainable wardrobe? Here are the 3 things you need to know and shop for to have a closet full of clothes that last in your closet!

Shop For Your Shape

Are you apple, straight, hourglass, bottom curvy, or top curvy. It’s important because I don’t want you wearing clothes that try to cover or camouflage your shape. I want you wearing clothes that compliment it. Finding clothes that fit comfortably are clothes that you will wear and that won’t end up donated 6 months later.

You can sign up for a Body Shape Analysis with Fashion Fix, and we’ll identify your shape and show what clothes to wear for it!

Shop For Your Style

When you shop for your authentic style you are ensuring that you are wearing clothes that make you feel confident, and not like a costume. Your style is made up of three key components.

  1. color

  2. pattern + print

  3. details

Shopping colors that compliment you means that you are wearing clothes that compliment each other. Shopping patterns that are right for your style means you will feel comfortable wearing them. Shopping details that don’t feel like a costume means that you will be confident in your look. When you shop for clothes that match your style you will have a closet full of clothes that last, not clothes you end up donating in 6 months.

Shop For Your Life

How many times have you been left not having the clothes you want to wear when you need to wear them? In order to have a sustainable wardrobe, you need to plan for it. This is called Wardrobe Planning, which then leads you into Strategic Shopping. Spend one afternoon looking ahead at the next season of your life and planning out where you need to be, where you are going, and what you want to wear will help you have want you want to wear when you need to wear it.

When you have a plan you will stop overspending and under-buying for your wardrobe. This is when you spend a lot of time and money on clothes that you don’t actually like or want to wear. Having a plan will help you spend less time, less money, and have clothes that actually work for you and not annoy you and then end up being donated!

Do you want to build your best wardrobe?

Let Fashion Fix help you have a closet full of clothes that you love to wear!


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